How to Increase your Borrowing Capacity

 How to increase your borrowing capacity Maximising the amount a lender will hand over to you isn’t about trying to take on unmanageable levels of debt. It’s a matter of taking a few simple but...

Tiny Houses

 Tiny houses It’s easy to understand why we look for the largest, most prestigious properties we can afford – we are constantly urged to define our success by our possessions: bigger...

Super Cash-out and Recontribution

Superannuation – Cash out and re-contribute to super The re-contribution strategy involves withdrawing some or all of your superannuation balance and re-contributing the amount as a non-concessional...

Medicare Levy Surcharge

Medicare levy surcharge exemption If you fit in one of the following categories, you are exempt from MLS for the whole of 2017–18.   Surcharge exemption categories Your income for MLS purposes was...

Borrowing Capacity

 Your Maximum Borrowing Capacity When you apply for a loan, the bank will consider your ability to meet the loan repayments (called serviceability), and the maximum amount that you can borrow...

Foreign Income Tax Offset

Calculating and claiming your foreign income tax offset   You can claim the foreign income tax offset in your income tax return. Before you calculate your net income, you must convert all foreign...


Introduction If you made a GST error on an earlier activity statement, you can choose to correct that error on a later activity statement if you meet the conditions set out in this guide. The benefits...

GST Errors

GST Common Errors Quite often business owners and bookkeepers account for and report their GST activities incorrectly. Below are the frequent ones that are not given the attention they deserve:...

Home Loan Guarantee

How a guarantor can help securing finance for a home loan   With the housing loan affordability is becoming an issue and first home buyers’ attempt to enter the market is becoming a mission...