Topics of Interest

Super Cash-out and Recontribution

The re-contribution strategy involves withdrawing some or all of your superannuation balance and re-contributing the amount as a non-concessional contribution. Non-concessional contributions form part of the tax-free component of your super fund. This strategy means that you may be able to convert some or all of your existing taxable component into tax-free component.  How it...

Tax Avoidance – Part One

Tax avoidance aims at minimising tax liabilities, and it is allowed by all taxpayers provided that respect to the law is maintained at all times. Tax evasion on the other hand has no respect to the law; it is a scheme or plan designed mainly to reduce or avoid tax significantly. It can also be...

Tax Avoidance – Part Two

Tax avoidance aims at minimising tax liabilities, and it is allowed by all taxpayers provided that respect to the law is maintained at all times. Tax evasion on the other hand has no respect to the law; it is a scheme or plan designed mainly to reduce or avoid tax significantly. It can also be...

Tiny Houses

It’s easy to understand why we look for the largest, most prestigious properties we can afford – we are constantly urged to define our success by our possessions: bigger, better, newer, faster, and shinier. A relatively recent counter-movement, however, urges lower impact, fewer goods and less consumption, and at its core nestles the tiny house...

Trust Distribution

Taxable income may differ from the reported accounting net profit. The latter (Accounting profit – Label A) is calculated in accordance with the terms of the trust deed (distributable trust income) whereas the Net income (Taxable income – Label S) of the trust estate is calculated pursuant to sec 95 for taxation purposes.  Discrepancies between...

Will and Estate Planning

A Will is a legally binding document that details one’s wishes regarding the distribution of assets upon death. There are many assets that will not form part of a Will such as assets owned within a family discretionary trust or assets owned as joint tenants (unlike tenancy in common) where the death of one implies...